Occupational Therapy (O.T.)
*Zoom Link*
Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5611938601?pwd=VnRnaGZQRWxkTmVQQTB3czJHeXE2Zz09
Meeting ID: 561 193 8601
Passcode: OT2021
Meeting ID: 561 193 8601
Passcode: OT2021
On this page you will also find both activities and home accommodations that will help with the following areas:
- Fine Motor
- Coloring
- Cutting
- Drawing
- Handwriting
- Self-care
- Sensory Processing
- Meeting sensory needs
- Managing distractions
- Movement break ideas
- Visual
- Memory
- Visual-perceptual
- Planning & Organization
- Calendars
- Checklists
- Planning strategies
- Organization strategies
What is Occupational Therapy?!
Here's a short video made by a school-based Occupational Therapist. She does a great job describing what we do with students!